Saturday, December 8, 2012

(2) T-1000

(15) Predator Hound

This is the 2 vs. 15 match for the Nightmare Region.
The home-field goes to the 15 seed Predator Hound.
The fight will take place on the game preserve planet from the movie Predators.


  1. First, I'd like to congratulate the Predator Hound on being granted his home field in this fight. Not sure it makes much difference but let's get to it:

    In this fight, the Predator Hound certainly has agility and speed and...

    ...that's it.

    I hate to say that this fight doesn't look like much of a fight but I find it clear that the T-1000 has the right tools to put this beast into submission. I basically picture the Hound running through the trees towards the T-1000 (much like in the clip) and tackling him to the ground. The size and power of the Hound will pin him down but only momentarily.

    The Hound will try and chomp down on his shoulder or arm I'd imagine. At which point, the Hound will be biting into the T-1000's mimetic poly-alloy.

    "What the hell does that mean?".......Arnold: "Liquid metal".

    With no effect. The T-1000 will construct a steel blade from his four arm and skewer the head of the beast. He'll then make sure to top off his victory with his infamous wag of the finger.

    Result: T-1000, 9-1

  2. I see where you're coming from PAT M. Home field feels good to the Predator Hound but only in the heart. Here's how this baby goes down.

    The Houndster scopes out the T-1000 from a distance, peering through the trees like a pig in heat. The T-1000 on the other hand is not quite sure what to make of the planet venue and no one around to show his polaroid picture of the Hound to see if they've seen him. Out of nowhere the Hound pounces and knocks the T-1000 off his feet while causing a couple of nasty tusk wounds to his shoulder and thigh. Unfortunately these superficial wounds close in a hurry. However, the Hound quickly vanishes back into the forest before the T-100 can respond.

    The T-1000 is a little at a loss though on how to track the beast down since he really doesn't have the speed and agility to pursue. In the meantime the Hound becomes preoccupied with another female Hound he happens upon in the dense forest and becomes distracted from the fight at hand. As the hound looks to serenade this voluptuous pig acquaintance by rolling around the ground and snorting incessantly, the female hound jumps the Predator Hound and sinks it's tusks and bone spurs into the surprised combatant. As the female hound turns back into the T-1000 (remember the DNA from the initial wounds?), he finishes off the Predator Hound with a finger sword through the jugular (kind of like the skewer PAT M references).

    All in all, a rather decisive and cunning victory for the "Molten Maniac". Let's call this 8-2 for the T-1000.

  3. I agree with you guys that the home-field favors the Predator Hound, unfortunately I don't think that it will help him all that much. I tried really hard to imagine a way the Predator hound could pull off the upset but sadly I just don't see it happening.

    I see the Hound charging at the T-1000 and jumping on top of him while impaling him with his large horns. The Hound will continue mauling the T-1000 and doing some damage but the T-1000 will keep healing his wounds almost as soon as them happen. After a few minutes of this the T-1000 will form an arm blade and stab the Hound through the heart killing him in one blow.

    I'm giving this match to the T-1000 (9-1)

  4. I think I agree with you all. I see the fight going down pretty much like PAT M and the E man. However, Ernie Smith has basically gone all Harry Carrey with some of his comments and I call upon the moderator to keep an eye on this guy. In the end, I think the hound will not be able to deal the necessary amount of damage to the T-1000 to actually defeat him.

    I like the point Dino makes and I very much agree with his approach, namely that I try to think of a way that one opponent might possibly defeat his foe, and then weigh the probability. Like Dino, I tried but could not think of a way to see the fight any other way than for the T-1000.

    I think this fight raises some interesting methodological issues, as does any fight with someone as dominant as the T-1000. I think we all need to ask ourselves with regard to each contestant: What would it take to kill this guy (or girl)? We have to be able to imagine a way that every person might be defeated, otherwise the whole point of the tournament is lost. Moreover, there have got to be SEVERAL manners to defeat each person and they cannot just be the ones we see in their respective movies. So, with the T-1000, we know that he can be frozen or melted. But are there any other ways he could lose? I think there certainly must be, although I don't see them happening in this particular match. But the point is to keep this in mind for each fight.

    So, even while I suspect T-1000 takes the victory, I don't see it quite so black and white as you all. I think the slashing damage that the hound inflicts can be effective. Also, I see him eating pieces of the T-1000. Sure, they may not taste great, but it's a f#&$ing predator hound; he doesn't care! If he were able to eat all of him, I would give the victory to the hound. (And don't give me some crap about how the liquid metal inside the dog would coalesce into a blade and saw its way out of the dog). If someone can eat the T-1000, he's done. But, in this case, the T-1000, though badly damaged, manages to finish the match with his metal blades or what not.

    T-1000 (7-3)

  5. Looks like the T-1000 will advance.
