Friday, November 23, 2012

The Joker
The Infected

This is the fourth and final play-in match for the Region of Darkness.
The winner will receive the 16 seed.
The fight will take place in the UFC Octagon.


  1. Alright. We are live and here we go!

    You've got basically the two most opposite combatants in the tournament lined up against one another. The Joker is all about wit and cunning while the Infected just wants to take your heart out....literally.

    First of all, the UFC Octagon couldn't have been a worse venue for the Joker to draw. A steel cage with no where to hide? Are you kidding me? The Joker is thinking "What a joke"! Anyway, here's how I think this goes down.

    When they both enter the ring, nobody notices that the Joker secretly leaves the cage door unlocked. The bell goes off and whoaaaaa, the Infected is all over the Joker like a "un-vaccinated disease" from the get go. The Joker tries to use his wit and deception to distract the Infected from his unbelievable head butts but it is obvious that he is dealing with the mind of basically a small child and it has absolutely no effect.

    The Infected continuously rams the Joker against the steel cage over and over again but the Joker slowly and calculatingly (is this a word?)makes his way closer to the steel door. Just as the Infected makes a final run, the Joker steps aside and the Infected plows right out of the opened door and head first directly into the row of steel seats outside of the octagon.

    The Joker then seizes the upper hand and cuts the main supporting line to the stadium scoreboard above which crashes down on the Infected like 2 tons of "medicine". The Joker scrambles quickly up an awaiting ladder from his "Henchmen" to the top of the arena and throws a switch which activates an intense spotlight which illuminates the Infected. The Infected immediately goes into convulsions and his skin quickly incinerates until he is no more.

    The crowd is left gasping as to what the hell just happened! The Joker pulls off the incredible upset with a 6-4 victory.

  2. The Octagon will give The Infected a slight advantage because of it's confined space, granted that's where the fight remains. However, The Joker is always planning ahead and in this instance I believe he will know that his mind tricks won't have any affect. So, I see The Joker immediately leaving the ring to give him some more open space to work with. Now that the fight has moved outside the Octagon The Joker will have more resources to work with and gain the upper hand. The Infected won't be too far behind him though and will pounce on The Joker and overwhelm him with his superior strength. The Joker will take a vicious beating but will be laughing the whole time and that's when he will reveal a concealed piece of camera equipment which he will then use to bludgeon The Infected. The Infected will take the punishment pretty well but will be staggered long enough for The Joker to grab one of his many knives in his coat. The Joker will begin stabbing and slashing wildly doing some serious damage all while continuing to take a beating himself. Both fighters will be bloodied and badly injured but The Infected will have sustained much worse injuries which he will eventually die from.

    I think this is the best match so far in the tournament and I'm leaning towards The Joker 6-4

  3. I agree that the UFC Octagon is a serious disadvantage to The Joker. However, the bright arena lights could disorient The Infected but also enrage him even more. So I see The Infected immediately charging The Joker and attacking with probably multiple of his famous headbutts before grabbing ahold of him and tossing him over the cage like a rag doll. Once The Joker is out and about I think he'll escape into the stadium and "possibly" get the chance to hide for a minute.

    But, The Infected prefers the dark and even if the The Joker gets the chance to attack with his pocket knife, he won't be able to deliver a fatal attack. At this point, The Infected will go into craze mode and beat down on The Joker. The Infected can take a lot of damage and I just don't see The Joker being able to take him out in anyway.

    It'll come down to a good minute brawl before The Infected arm bars him into submission.

    I gotta give this one to The Infected, 7-3

  4. Ok, first a few points. Ernie: I like what your're thinking and we can all agree that you have raised an important point bu noting that the Infected does not do well in the light. However (and maybe I'm wrong to do so), but I'm just going to assume that the amount of lighting in the building is not sufficient to put him out of the fight automatically. Dino: You mention that the Joker is good at planning ahead, however in this case he won't really have the chance to do so. He's just going to get thrown into the cage, the bell rings, and it's on. The question, as you say, is whether or not the Joker is clever enough to figure a way to defeat the Infected. PAT M: I agree that Joker's pocket knives will have little affect (granted that we allow him to use them).

    I came into the fight predicting an upset in favor of the Joker. But after considering it a little more, I'm still on the wall. I won't lie: I want the Joker to win. After all, we've got boat loads of guys like the Infected. I'm just not sure if the Joker's got what it takes. I'm not convinced that his clever games will help him out much here. Ernie and Dino's creative reconstructions have helped me better visualize how the Joker might swing things in his favor. But PAT M also argues pretty convincingly that the Infected simply has too much brute force for the Joker to handle.

    So I have no choice but to remain agnostic. Who will be able to swing me over to their side? Make your case as shortly and sweetly as possible!

  5. Thinking over things again, I can agree that it could be possible for The Joker to stab The Infected continuously which may slow him down and cause him to keel over and sustain to the injuries. Also, I think we can all agree that The Joker is the more iconic and favorable character in this fight. But we can't necessarily be making our judgments solely on who we all like the most. But, based off the movie I Am Legend, The Infected simply displayed too much power in a number of scenes that keeps me leaning in his favor. Some scenes include:

    - Slamming head first into Will Smith's SUV countless times before knocking it over (^ from clip #2 provided)

    - Biting Will Smith's shoulder and tossing him into the stairs with just the force of his head. (Sorry no clip available)

    - Especially the last scene, before The Infected starts breaking the glass we see him charge through the other infected people and toss them all over the place. This wasn't shown in clip #1 so...(See clip below)

    *That last scene really sells me because he freakin' throws the other infected people into walls and the ceiling pretty much which shows he has got some serious strength. Also, given The Joker is just an ordinary man, I see The Infected doing the exact same thing to him. The Joker can not take that kind of punishment. He will get thrown into the stands and probably be knocked unconscious.

    I'm sticking with my previous decision....The Infected 7-3.

  6. Ok, PAT M has convinced me with his concrete examples that the Infected would overpower the Joker (and even with all those wonderful toys!). Ernie Smith stands by his vote in favor of the Joker. He suggests that the Joker has black magic and might even find a way to use his henchmen to help him out (personal communication). When questioned about how this would be allowed, Smith replied "Who cares? The Infected is dead and the match is over. They've got to send someone on to the next round." Notwithstanding this possibility, my vote is for the Infected 6-4. Upon his defeat of the Joker, he sprints out of the ring and snaps Joe Rogan's neck. Larry Merchant is very pleased.

  7. Okay, looks like we are split on this match. I have two different ways of deciding a winner but I want to know which one you guys think would be better.

    One way is for each of us to flip a coin and post the results and if it is still tied then we could have Mom or another person flip the tie-breaker.

    The other way would be a single coin flip to decide the winner.

    So, what are your thoughts?

  8. I originally thought it might be good to have someone like Mom just make a decision but after second thought I think this would be worse than a random coin flip (she might pick who she thought was cutest). I say a single coin flip by Dino (I trust Dino, not you other goons who would most definitely manipulate the results). So let the coin flip fly - Jokers or tails anyone?

  9. I second the notion: Dino, you flip! Though I do not approve of Smith's confrontational tone. "Goons"!? Really? Keep it classy, San Diego.

  10. I agree Dino should be the official coin flipper. Dan, I think you should maybe post which side of the quarter each opponent is (kinda doesn't matter) and what the results was. Or simply just posting the result is fine too, I'm good with whatever.

  11. For the coin flip The Joker was heads and The Infected was tails.

    The coin landed on...


    So The Infected wins by way of coin flip and will receive the 16 seed in the Region of Darkness.

  12. Joker should of had his buddy Two-Face flip it.
