Wednesday, November 7, 2012


This is the second play-in match for the Region of Torment.
The winner will receive the 16 seed.
The fight will take place in the bathroom from the Saw movies.


  1. This is a very interesting venue to hold the match. Very confined space with which to maneuver but with some possible "instruments" available to the foes that could be used for inflicting some heavy blows. Anyway, this is how I see it unfolding.

    The bell goes off and Chucky immediately beats Chatterer to the dead man's gun only to find the cartridges "spent". Not to be frustrated (and he never is), Chucky uses his speed to beat Chatterer to the big steam valve and open the pressure causing the room to be filled with hot mist. Chatterer is now not only slow but blind to Chucky's every move.

    Chucky leaps on the Chatterer's back and starts to pistol whip him unmercifully and then knocks him to the ground with a "buffalo" hammer fist.
    Chatterer trie to grab for Chucky and use his teeth but the reality quickly sets in that he doesn't possess the the physical power to compete well and his bite is merely human that barely rival that of Mike Tyson.

    After dazing Chatterer with the butt of the pistol, Chucky runs over to the urinal and yanks out a jagged pipe from the wall which he uses to finish the job. As the bell sounds ending this fight, Chuck can be hard (but not seen) mocking Chatterer with vial taunts.

    Chucky wins this one 9-1.

    1. PS. What the hell is a "buffalo" hammer fist? I want one.

  2. The battlefield definitely gives Chucky an advantage becuase of all the things he can use as weapns. It also helps Chatterer a little bit since he is a pretty slow guy and it's a small confined space with not a lot of places to hide.

    I see Chucky grabbing either a rusty pipe or a hand saw and running circles around Chatterer while attacking his legs. Chatterer will have to catch Chucky in order to stand a chance, where he can then physically beat him up. However, I don't think Chatterer will be able to do much because of his lack of speed and will eventually topple over and that's when Chucky will finish him off with multiple vicious blows to the head with a pipe.

    So I say Chucky wins (8-2)

  3. Man, watching the video clip on Chucky reminds me of how scary those movies were! And in the first two, the ending always comes down to a mutilated Chucky--whether all burnt or melted and often missing several key limbs--still comin' at ya. He's relentless! (Also, I can't help but comment on the scene where Chucky is in an old house and some dude with a gun is trying to find him, and so Chucky turns on the gas to the stove and the dude busts open the kitchen door, fires a gunshot at the stove and blows himself and the house to smithereens! What the hell was he thinking shooting a stove in the first place?!

    Ok, moving on to the match. I agree with you both that the location gives an advantage to Chucky. However, I'm surprised to see such decisive numbers (9-1 and 8-2). I see the fight being a bit more balanced; after all, Chatterer is way bigger and pretty freaky. I think he'd be able to hurl Chucky around the room a few times, doing some damage (I mean, you can't have a Chucky fight unless the Chuck-meister takes a few good lickings).

    But Chucky is damn smart (and a serial killer). So I see Chucky picking the lock on the handcuffs and handcuffing Chatterer to a pipe. At that point, there's not much that the ole Chatterbox can do, and Chucky will enjoy his time killing him slowly (probably with a knife, or maybe by biting his face off in the ultimate act of irony). He'd probably also say something cheeky like "Lights out chatty Kathy!" Who knows? But it will be worth a chuckle.

  4. This match presents a good battlefield opportunity for both opponents, especially Chatterer who won't have to run (a.k.a, walk) around trying to chase after Chucky all that much. Still, the objects around the bathroom are really what will help Chucky the most and allow him to actually inflict some decent damage on Chatterer. I agree with Brett that if Chatterer gets a hold of Chucky he would have no problem tossing him around like a rag doll. But I see him throwing Chucky into the tub where he would take notice of the hand saw then charge after Chatterer and chop at his knee caps.

    We were never really shown the type of damage that Chatterer could take since he always just got sucked back into that freakin' puzzle box in every movie! So, it's hard to see him drop to his knees after Chucky continuously hits him with objects. I would like to say that Chatterer could just rip his head off if he gets the choke hold on that little punk. But it's obvious Chucky can take a good ass kicking and won't go down that easy.

    Chucky takes the win (6-4)...P.S. - If it wasn't for the accessories available to Chucky I'd actually have to give the fight to Chatterer though.

  5. Reminder that Chatterer has only demonstrated that he walks extremely slow and has only taken on women which he has slowly choked out. I've never witnessed any other fighting styles from him or other opponents. He may look gruesome but he is in way over his head here. Getting sucked back into the puzzle box would be his only escape from the inevitable.

  6. Looks like a unanimous decision for Chucky. So he will advance and get the 16 seed in the Region of Torment.

    I will post the next fight later so stay tuned.
