Sunday, May 3, 2020

This tournament originally started way back in October 2012, then went on hiatus for years and years, until resuming in November 2019 and now, finally, the Tournament of Monsters III has come to it’s conclusion!

The Championship match saw 2 seed Queen Alien take on 3 seed The Creeper, with the fight taking place in Helsinki, Finland.

Each of us presented our case and how we imagined the fight would go down and after much back and forth debating, it was decided that the winner of the match and the champion of the Tournament of Monsters III is...

Queen Alien 

She now joins Predator and Balrog on the short list of tournament champions.

This concludes the Tournament of Monsters III.

Until next time.

Friday, December 27, 2019

During the Christmas break we were able to complete the remaining 1st round matches and the entire round of 32.

It’s looking like we will have to complete the remaining matches and hopefully finish the tournament via FaceTime.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Tournament of Monsters III has finally resumed!

During the Thanksgiving break we were able to finish all 1st round matches in the Region of Torment and Region of Darkness (In person) thanks to the new lightning / speed rounds rule.

Looks like the plan will be to resume and hopefully finish the tournament during the Christmas break.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

It seems there has been some renewed interest in resuming the Tournament of Monsters III.

We last left off with the (2) Queen Alien vs  (15) The Blob and at the time it was 3-1 in favor of the Queen Alien. I know the last time these two faced-off there was a lot of controversy and debate but after a 6 year hiatus, I think we need to get the ball rolling. So with that being said, I am officially declaring the Queen Alien the winner of the 2 vs 15 match for the Slasher Region.

Stay tuned for the next match. Hopefully it won’t take another 6 years to get to it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

(2) Queen Alien


(15) The Blob (Start @ 9:10)

This is the 2 vs. 15 match for the Slasher Region and a rematch of one of the most controversial matches we have ever had.
The home-field goes to the 15 seed Blob.
The fight will take place in the town of Downingtown, Pennsylvania just outside the movie theater (Seen in The Blob's first video clip).

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

(2) Cave Troll


(15) Bane

This is the 2 vs. 15 match for the Region of Torment.
The home-field goes to the 15 seed Bane.
The fight will take place in the underground lair from the movie The Dark Knight Rises (Which can be seen in the first video clip for Bane).

Saturday, December 8, 2012

(2) T-1000

(15) Predator Hound

This is the 2 vs. 15 match for the Nightmare Region.
The home-field goes to the 15 seed Predator Hound.
The fight will take place on the game preserve planet from the movie Predators.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Ripper

This is the third play-in match for the Slasher Region.
The winner will receive the 16 seed.
The fight will take place in The Overlook Hotel from the movie The Shining.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


This is the second play-in match for the Region of Torment.
The winner will receive the 16 seed.
The fight will take place in the bathroom from the Saw movies.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ghost Face

Stripe Gremlin

This is the first fight of the tournament and the first play-in match for the Nightmare Region.
The winner will receive the 16 seed.
The fight will take place on the spaceship from the movie Fire in the Sky.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hey guys, this is the first post for the Tournament of Monsters III. Halloween is just around the corner and what better way to get into the spirit than to start the tournament. I hope you guys are getting excited because I know I am.